《元素塔防2 Element TD 2》中文版正式版百度云迅雷下载1.0


《元素塔防2 Element TD 2》是一款以元素组合为主的竞技型塔防游戏。你所选择的元素将会决定你可建造的塔台种类。与其他玩者一同竞技,并向你的对手证明你的防线才是最强的!



  • 44 座不同的塔台具备独特的能力与升级路线
  • 9 个具有不同路线及美术设计的地图以多样化你的战术
  • 在合作模式中与最多八人一同防守
  • 55 个回合以挑战你的防线,还有一个无穷无尽的魔王回合
  • 能够让你自定建造者外观的装饰。
  • 6 种不同的游玩方式 (随机、溷乱、减短、极限、快进、沙盒)
  • 6 种元素以提供不同种类的塔台 (光、暗、水、火、木、土)
  • 可在遍佈全球的伺服器上游玩线上游戏
  • 决斗模式使两名玩者在同一建造区域内向对方展示实力
  • 供玩家争夺最高分数的排行榜
  • 能够使你炫耀自己的胜利,或是从其他玩家那里学习策略的重播系统

需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
操作系统: Windows 8
处理器: 2.6 GHz Intel or AMD
内存: 4 GB RAM
显卡: 512 MB VRAM
DirectX 版本: 9.0
网络: 宽带互联网连接
存储空间: 需要 6 GB 可用空间






发行游戏已发布4月3日周六Version 1.00 – Official Release!
And now onto the longest patch notes to date. Here’s the full release notes for Version 1.00!

Chapter 4
Chapter 4 of the Campaign is here, with 7 more missions to cap it out! The maps are bigger, the challenges are harder, and it packs some diabolical surprises, including:
Adaptive Creeps: Each wave, these become highly resistant to one of your elements. Whatever tower tops the damage tracker for the wave, Adaptive Creeps will take 25% damage from that tower’s element on the next wave.
Spawners: Every 15 seconds, it spawns 3 small creeps with 15% HP each. There is no cap on the number of creeps these can spawn, so kill them fast!
And 3 New Bosses!

New Upgrade Column in the Loadout. These are passive upgrades that can help bolster your defenses. Requires beating Chapter 2 before you gain access to them.
Income: At the end of each wave, gain 5% / 10% / 15% end-of-wave bonus.
Extra Lives: Start with 10% / 20% / 30% more lives.
Range Bonus: All towers gain 10% / 20% / 30% more range, but they cost 5% / 10% / 15% more gold.
AoE Bonus: All AoE towers gain 10% / 20% / 30% more AoE, but they cost 5% / 10% / 15% more gold.
Essence: Gain 1 / 2 / 3 Essence to be used for building Level 4 Single Element or Periodic Towers

New Achievements for Chapter 4:
Trebuchets Only: Clear Mission 22 on Hard using only Towers with 1250 Range or more (including Range upgrades)
Splash Defense: Clear Mission 23 on Normal using only towers with 200 AoE or more
Triad of Light: Clear Mission 24 on Normal using only Light, Water, and Nature Elements
Set of Annihilation: Clear Mission 25 on Hard without building a single tower during the last wave
Triad of Darkness: Clear Mission 26 on Normal using only Darkness, Fire, and Earth Elements
Full Support: Clear Mission 27 on Normal using only Buff, Slow, and Damage Amp Towers
Portal Master: Clear Mission 28 on Very Hard without using Infernal Towers
Wizard Prime: Clear all Mission in Chapter 4
Annihilator: Get 4 Stars on every Chapter 4 Mission
Master of Elements: Clear all 28 Missions in the Campaign

You can reach some pretty silly ranges on certain towers now, thanks to the new upgrades.

4th Co-op Map added: Tundra!
In Campaign, you can now pick up where you last left off, thanks to a new Continue button!
How it works is whenever you reach a Checkpoint (aka every Wave Break), it’ll save your progress for that mission, letting you quit the game and later continue where you last left off.
However, you can only hold onto one Checkpoint at a time, so if you try changing to a different mission, it’ll warn you that it’ll erase your previous Checkpoint.

In Campaign, there is now a Hint Box in the bottom-left corner, which you can toggle on/off. This gives extra insights on the game and tips for specific missions.

New Cosmetics:
New Builder: Master Captain
New Builder: Titan
New Builder: An Actual Duck
New Builder: ???
New Hat: Super Galaxy
New Trail: Nebula
New Trail: Elemental Master
Additionally, some of the high level Cosmetics can now be unlocked by completing certain Achievements. You’ll still need to buy them with Shop Points though.

Introducing Tundra, the 4th Co-op Map! And one of the new missions in Chapter 4.

When hosting a Multiplayer lobby, the default map is now set to Random Map.
Added a Random Map option to Co-op Mode.
In Singleplayer, the game now remembers the last Mission you were playing, as well as what difficulty.
War Mode now gives you a primer about how the game works during the loading screen.
UI shrunk by about 10%.
Maps now have actual borders and skyboxes instead of the darkness of Fog of War
Switched Tropical Variant out with the second version that shows up in the Campaign, which is a far more interesting map.
Winter Variant is back to 2-Path by default, but its short path moves at 80% speed
Adjusted Advanced Paths for:
Wasteland now speeds up creeps by 20%
Desert paths are asymmetrical
Autumn paths are asymmetrical
Winter paths are asymmetrical
Forest Variant third path no longer pingpongs. Instead, it goes to its own portal at 75% speed.
Winter Variant short path is reversed and moves at full speed

In No Sell Mode, you can now cancel building/upgrading. But once it finishes, you’re locked in.
Right-clicking on the Mini-map no longer moves your camera
Geyser bounce has been slowed and looks considerably smoother
Earth, Fire, Bloom & Money Towers now have status icons that track their bonuses.
Removed the In Good Health Achievement from the game, as it no longer exists.
Missions now give you a decent amount of XP when clearing them.
When you clear a mission, it now displays a Mission Cleared message.
Chapter 2 has been made roughly 10% easier
The second half of Mission 11 has been redesigned, it should be much more fair than it was before
The last wave of Mission 18 has also been toned down, particularly the boss
Minor optimization improvements

As you load into a War Mode game, it now briefly tells you how it works.

Bug Fixes
Attempt #63849 on fixing the Ranked Disconnect error.
We’re pretty sure we nailed down the exact cause, and we’ve added some stopgaps that should prevent it. Should.

Coincidentally, fixed the zombie lobby bug.
Fixed a bug where, if you upgrade a tower, then cancel the upgrade, it’d reset your changed target priority.
Fixed a bug where Fire Tower’s damage could stop going up and get permanently stuck.
Fixed a bug where Wisp Tower was doing 40% less damage than intended.
Fixed a bug where the VFX of Fast Creeps would flash across the whole map on leak.
Fixed a bug where winning a Co-op game counted as 2 Wins instead of 1.
Fixed checkpoints not saving Damage Overview information.
Fixed manual targeting not overriding your Focus Target setting.
Fixed loading from a checkpoint turning Focus Target setting to off.
Fixed loading from a checkpoint resetting statistics for Towers Built/Sold, Creeps Killed, and Total Interest statistics at the end of the mission.
Fixed tooltips going off-screen,
Fixed hover tooltips vanishing upon clearing the wave,
Fixed Mission 10 Achievement being clearable on Normal Difficulty,
Fixed Geyser’s AoE displaying 300 AoE for its standard attack and 0 AoE for its ability (this was purely a UI issue)
Fixed toggling Show VFX off not actually removing the Shoot/Hit effects. It should only be showing projectiles.

One of the new missions features a spiral heading down several tiers, with interlacing paths on the corners.

General Balance
Income Upgrade extra creeps spawned reduced from 6 / 12 to 4 / 8. However, you now gain a 5% / 10% end-of-wave gold bonus.
DIminishing Returns increased from 6% to 7% per stack
Bulky HP Multiplier increased from x2.25 to x2.5
Bulky creep spacing reduced from 1.5 to 0.75
For reference, all other waves have a spacing of 0.5

Temporal now triggers its ability when it loses 25% of its Max HP and only jumps half the distance.
Temporal now has a cooldown of 15 seconds, meaning it can trigger multiple times.
Level 4 Singles & Periodic cost increased from 14000 to 15000.
However, their damage was increased by 20%.

Wave Order adjusted again:
Wave 7 is Composite Fast
Wave 10 is Nature Temporal
Wave 12 is Water Bulky
Wave 13 is Earth Shield
Wave 14 is Composite Cursed
Wave 15 is Light Healing
Wave 17 is Earth Temporal

You can make a pretty decked out builder, thanks to all the Cosmetic options.

Tower Balance
Arrow damage reduced from 70 to 60
Cannon damage reduced from 80 to 75
Light Level 4 damage increased from 36000 to 43200
Darkness Level 4 damage increased from 100800 to 120960
Water damage increased from 80 / 480 / 2880 / 28800 to 85 / 510 / 3060 / 36720
Fire Level 4 damage increased from 11520 to 13824
Damage gain increased from 360 to 432

Nature Level 4 damage increased from 28800 to 34560
Earth adjusted:
Attack speed reduced from 1 to 0.66
Damage increased from 80 / 480 / 2880 / 28800 to 125 / 750 / 4500 / 54000
Shockwave damage increased from 45 / 270 / 1620 / 16200 to 60 / 360 / 2160 / 25920

Atom consecutive damage bonus reduced from 15% to 10%
Lightning damage increased from 140 / 560 / 2240 to 150 / 600 / 2400
Bounce range increased from 1200 to 1500

Poison duration increased from 14 to 15 seconds
Disease damage increased from 100 / 400 / 1600 to 110 / 440 / 1760
Damage formula no longer adds +1, meaning it no longer deals double damage vs. full health creeps. In general, it deals less damage than before, up until creeps are about 10% HP or less, at which point it does more.

Vapor damage increased from 170 / 680 / 2720 to 175 / 700 / 2800
Solar damage-per-second reduced from 140 / 560 / 2240 to 125 / 500 / 2000
Mushroom damage increased from 120 / 480 / 1920 to 125 / 500 / 2000
Bloom adjusted:
Projectile speed increased by 20%
Damage increased from 500 / 2000 / 8000 to 550 / 2200 / 8800
While not attacking, it gains 30% Attack Speed per second, up to a max of 300%
While attacking, it loses 20% of its bonus Attack Speed per second

Flooding damage increased from 375 / 1500 to 400 / 1600
Consecutive AoE gain reduced from 20 to 15

Haste attack speed gain increased from 5% to 7%
Decay rate reduced from 50% to 30% of its bonus per second

Money damage reduced from 3200 / 12800 to 3000 / 12000
Damage bonus now caps at x2 of its base damage. Note that this takes about 40,000 Unspent Gold, so this mainly only affects Teams/Co-op.

Incantation base amp reduced from 10% / 20% to 8% / 16%
Solo amp search radius increased from 200 to 300 AoE

Periodic damage increased from 45000 to 56000

RIP Atom TD 2. You will not be missed.

Campaign Balance
Frost Aura Boss AoE reduced from 700 to 600
Inferno Boss build locations now come back after 120 seconds instead of being permanently scarred
Earth Spec 2 attack speed reduced from 0.66 to 0.33
Damage multiplier increased from x3 to x4

Well Spec 1 attack speed bonus reduced from 10% / 30% / 90% to 8% / 24% / 72%
Blacksmith Spec 1 damage bonus reduced from 10% / 30% / 90% to 8% / 24% / 72%
Trickery Spec 1 clone damage reduced from 40% / 120% / 360% to 32% / 96% / 288%
Infernal Spec 1 reduced from 125 to 100 AoE
Geyser Spec 1 damage is reduced by 25% instead of 30%
Geyser Spec 2 AoE reduced from 300 to 100
It wasn’t supposed to be dealing 300% damage AND 300 AoE, that was unintentional

Poison Spec 1 damage-per-second increased from 125 / 500 / 2000 to 150 / 600 / 2400
Solar Spec 1 damage-per-second reduced from 90 / 360 / 1440 to 80 / 320 / 1280
Solar Spec 2 damage-per-second reduced from 300 / 1500 / 6000 to 250 / 1000 / 4000
If you were using this before and wondering why Levels 2 and 3 melted everything before, I may have multiplied it wrong. I blame maths.

Mushroom Spec 2 attack speed increased from 0.66 to 1
AoE reduced from 300 to 250
Damage multiplier reduced from x4 to x3

Bloom Spec 1 range reduced from 750 to 600
Bloom Spec 2 now increases max attack speed from 300% to 500%
Disease Spec 1 damage reduced by 25% instead of 20%
Atom Spec 2 consecutive damage gain reduced from 30% to 25%
Impulse Spec 1 damage reduced by 20%
Range increased from 1750 to 1800

Impulse Spec 2 damage increase is now 25% instead of 20%
Windstorm Spec 1 duration increased from 12 to 15 seconds
Windstorm Spec 2 AoE increased from 300 to 400
Nova Spec 1 slow reduced from 16% / 32% to 10% / 20%
Nova Spec 2 damage increased by 20%
Jinx Spec 1 damage increase is 80% instead of 70%
Flamethrower Spec 2 napalm duration increased from 10 to 15 seconds
Incantation Spec 2 base damage amp changed from -40% / -80% to -30% / -60%
Solo damage amp increased from 40% / 80% to 60% / 120%

Root Spec 1 damage reduced by 20%
Root Spec 2 no longer doubles damage-per-second, it just doubles the slow

You know those April Fools notes from yesterday? As it turns out, one of those notes might have been true…

Ranked & Leaderboards
First off, congratulations to __Tobias__, HerrDirektor, and Funkelinchen and wadebbqwall2 for topping the Ranked Leaderboards!
Double congrats to __Tobias__ and HerrDirektor for being top two on both of them. You monsters.

Now that we’ve officially released, Scoreboards & Ranked Leaderboards have been wiped. That said, we’ve tweaked some values for Ranked:
Starting MMR reduced from 500 to 300
Rank up thresholds reduced to actually achievable values: 400, 600, 800, 1000 and 1200
MMR Search Range reduced from 300 to 150.
In time, as the Ranked Leaderboards fill back up, we’ll be looking into a proper scaling solution for this, as well as improvements to Ranked in general.

It’s Forest, but not the one you know…

It’s been a long journey since the start of Element TD 2. In the beginning, our vision was to make a faithful successor to original, but when we launched into Early Access, we found that alone wasn’t enough. Over time, we’ve added an insane amount of content and features, including Co-op, New Maps & Modes, Achievements, Cosmetics, and even a full on Campaign. We’ve also seen tremendous growth in our community and our Discord Server.

All in all, we couldn’t have done it without you, so this is a thank you to everyone that’s supported us along the way. Enjoy the Official Release, and we hope you’ll stick around for a while longer as we transition into Post-Release!
