《地痞街区 Streets of Rogue》中文版百度云迅雷下载典藏版v93


《地痞街区 Streets of Rogue》是一款Rogue-lite类游戏,这款游戏并非发生在地下城中,而是设定在一个程序生成的正常城市中,其中有复杂的 AI 来通知各行各业的居民,后者只是在按部就班地完成日常活动。

《地痞街区 Streets of Rogue》中文版百度云迅雷下载典藏版v93


  • 怎么玩,由你选!不想滥杀无辜?没问题!想入侵电脑?满足你!
  • 随机生成的世界和超高可玩性保证 600 小时的游戏时间,绝不会无聊!说真的,出门看看吧!!
  • 超先进人工智能,绝不容忍你的废话!用谋略战胜这些虚拟人类,羞辱你的电脑!
  • 扮演超过 20 个(而且还在不断增加)完全迥异的角色!酒保、科学家、黑客、大猩猩。嘿,说不定还有你的职业呢!
  • 种类极其繁多的道具!缩小射线、催眠器、手提音响、捕熊夹、食物处理器…….. 噢,还有枪当然,少不了各种枪械。
  • 4 人在线模式和本地合作模式,让你尽情蹂躏暴徒,告别孤独!
  • 带领黑帮、解放奴隶、大口喝酒、撕碎幽灵、变成吸血鬼,用道具将人类变小并践踏他们。这是史上最疯狂的多元化游戏。

操作系统: Windows 7 or Later
处理器: Dual-Core Intel or AMD processor
内存: 4 GB RAM
图形: DX9 (shader model 3.0) or DX11 with feature level 9.3 capabilities
存储空间: 需要 320 MB 可用空间






中文设置: 开始游戏 -> 按ESC -> SETTINGS -> Languages -> 中文 -> OK -> 重启游戏

定期更新 来自: 已发布 1月12日周二 Version 93

Here’s another 60+ fixes for ya! As long as bugs exist, I’ll keep fixing ’em, so keep those reports coming in! And in other news…

So, how’s that sequel coming?
While I’ve still been spending most of my time working out the technical details involved with adapting Streets of Rogue’s systems into a large open world (no small task, let me assure you), I did get a chance to implement a couple of new features. The first iteration of vehicles has been added to the game! No actual roads yet, but they exist, can be driven by the player, NPCs know how to use them, etc. In addition, I’ve begun work on day/night cycles and NPC daily schedules. These new features should open up a lot of interesting gameplay possibilities.

Stay tuned to these patch notes and in the Steam forums, I’d like to continue sharing these little progress updates with you over the coming year.

Version 93

Level Editor

  • Fix for scrolling menu disappearing if the player used the mousewheel on the Default Goal menu


  • Fix for weapon selection sprites fading in and out too fast with vsync turned off
  • Fix for cases where highlights of certain objects could appear the opposite direction they were supposed to
  • Fix for visual appearance of certain wall tile configurations being incorrect
  • Fix for certain cases where objects might not appear highlighted when the player is next to them
  • NPCs appear transparent instead of invisible if they have Invisible while under the player’s Mind Control
  • Fix for Zombies having incorrectly colored eyes after being Mind Controlled
  • Fix for Mech Suit appearing with Gorilla head during Ape Town mutator
  • Fix for custom players potentially having incorrect eye color after entering Mech
  • Fix for Diminutive players appearing to have full-sized head after entering Mech
  • Fix for player target appearing on the screen if the player moves the gamepad’s right stick while on the quests/map screen

UI / Controls

  • Fix for cursor control not always working on quests/map screen when using a gamepad with vsync turned off
  • Fix for player continuing to rapid-fire attack after switching from rapid-fire gun to another rapid-fire gun while holding button
  • Fix for time limit sometimes appearing incorrect at the start of levels on multiplayer client
  • Fix for Mech Pilot being selected on character select if a custom character dies while piloting a Mech
  • Fix for incorrect character being selected after death when player 2, 3 or 4 had selected the Supercop/Supergoon/Upper-Cruster
  • Fix for some menus closing when the application loses focus and then gains it again (doesn’t work 100% of the time)
  • Fix for a button’s text not always appearing on the character creation workshop submission form

Playfield Objects

  • Player cannot tamper with deactivated Laser Emitters
  • If a player is hoisting an object (as Wrestler) in coop mode and they fall into a hole, they will no longer be holding that object after respawning as a ghost
  • Fix for Lockdown Walls not functioning in Mixed-Up Environments
  • Fix for player being able to hide in bushes that already have someone hiding in them
  • Fix for player being able to get stuck behind certain objects while roller skating


  • Players who add health-based consumables to custom characters receive 3 items initially instead of 1
  • Playable Upper Cruster now starts with Walkie Talkie
  • Players with Pacifist can’t use Time Bomb and Remote Bomb
  • Player will not receive Time Bomb as a quest reward if they have Pacifist
  • Fix for War Zone NPCs not dropping items after death that they picked up on the battlefield
  • Fix for melee items in shops only having 100 durability instead of 200 on multiplayer client
  • Fix for Bear Trap and Paralyzer Trap not triggering Killer Thrower

Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities

  • Players with Zombiism and Class Solidarity will not be able to hit Zombies and vice versa
  • Fix for cases where player could receive an upgraded version of a trait as an end-of-level reward when they did not have the original trait
  • If player with Blaster Survivor is Mind Controlling someone who causes an explosion, that explosion will not damage the player
  • Fix for Stealing Glove not working when used on multiplayer client’s character
  • Fix for player being able to get traits that were removed from the game via swapping at Augmentation Booth
  • Knockback King and Walls’ Worst Nightmare cancel out Near-Harmless, and vice versa
  • If a player extorts someone who they have enslaved, the extortion will have a 100% chance to work
  • Fix for NPCs not retaining their “Extorted” status after being Possessed by the player, allowing the player to re-extort them
  • Fix for player receiving revenue from extortions after Depossessing on the first level
  • Fix for Blaster Master not triggering if one of the player’s Slaves is killed and their helmet is destroyed
  • Mechs who have been Shrunk can fit through Doors and Windows
  • Fix for Clumsiness Accepted sometimes applying in cases where a player opens a door rather than breaks it
  • Potential fix for some players retaining traits that they shouldn’t after possessing or depossessing


  • Fix for rapid-fire gun sound effects sometimes continuing to play if the player switched weapons while rapid-firing


  • Fix for player not receiving Alerted/Killed No One bonuses on missions where the target NPC is wandering around the level
  • Fix for quest marker disappearing from over Slave that the player is meant to free for a quest if the player enslaves their owner

Big Quests

  • Fix for cases where Crate would not spawn on Scientist quest
  • When the player has Brute Force Progress, NPCs hiding in Manholes will jump out, allowing the player to complete the quest
  • Fix for Cop Bots that are spawned as part of the Hacker’s Big Quest not attacking custom characters who don’t have the Laptop


  • Ghosts are no longer removed from levels that have Radiation Blasts, Lockdown, or War Zone

Artificial Intelligence

  • Fix for NPCs who live in the same building as a quest target being classed as Guilty despite having no relationship to the target
  • Fix for cases where the player’s slaves could explode when the player teleported
  • Fix for player being able to obtain Slaves when their party is full
  • If you free one of your Slaves after extorting them, they will remain Submissive
  • Fix for cases where Frozen NPCs could talk
  • Fix for Upper Crusters running away during the No Cowards mutator if Alarm Buttons do not exist


  • Fixed some translation errors
  • Corrected Electro Pills description, which incorrectly stated that your punch would cause a static charge in addition to your body
  • Corrected “Continue?” description to be more accurate
  • Corrected “No Cowards” description to be more accurate


  • Fix for cases where host could not move after dying
  • Fix for cases where NPCs could appear to warp to the bottom-left corner of the map for a split-second on the host
  • Improved knockback-related synchronization between client and host

