《战锤40K:角斗士之战争圣器 Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War》中文版百度云迅雷下载v1.7.0


《战锤40K:角斗士之战争圣器 Warhammer 40,000: Gladius – Relics of War》是一款回合策略游戏,对于帝国的学者们来说,格雷迪厄斯是一颗拥有考古价值的星球。在殖民过程中发现的远古遗迹,揭示了它那不为人知的神秘过去。但这里所存在的不仅仅是遗迹。神秘力量的觉醒,来自遥远过去的未知恐惧让格雷迪厄斯的居民们陷入了事关生死的艰难战争之中。格雷迪厄斯曾经是和平的象征,但现在这里已经燃起了战火。


需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
操作系统: Windows 7 (64-bit)
处理器: Intel Core i3 or equivalent
内存: 4 GB RAM
显卡: Vulkan support (Nvidia GeForce 600 series / AMD Radeon HD 7000 series / Intel HD Graphics 500 series)
存储空间: 需要 4 GB 可用空间
需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
操作系统: Windows 10 (64-bit)
处理器: Intel Core i5 or equivalent
内存: 8 GB RAM
显卡: Vulkan support with 3 GB VRAM (Nvidia GeForce 900 series / AMD Radeon RX 400 series)
存储空间: 需要 8 GB 可用空间







小型更新 来自:Warhammer 40,000: Gladius – Relics of War 已发布 11月12日周四 Warhammer 40,000: Gladius – v1.7.0 Update

“Ask not the Aeldari a question, for they will give you three answers, all of which are true and terrifying to know.”
— Inquisitor Czevak

This update will add the Craftworld Aeldari to the world of Gladius Prime — a new fully-featured faction with their very own unique playstyle and storyline once the DLC has launched at 5PM GMT. To bring the existing factions more in line with each other and improve gameplay, it also contains a wide array of balance changes as well as a new neutral unit, new items, new colors, UI improvements, improved post-game stats, bug fixes, new Steam achievements and optional Epic Games Account social integration.

New Faction (Craftworld Aeldari DLC)
Children of Asuryan
Initial Challenge: Medium
Webway Gate: Exploit your knowledge of webway gates to activate them and move swiftly across the battlefield.
Webway Redoubt: Found a city on top of an activated webway gate to fortify Craftworld Aeldari’s presence on Gladius.
Remnants of the Fall: Reduced city growth rate. The last remnants of a people whose mere dreams once overturned worlds and quenched suns.
Asuryani Arrivals: Call upon offworld Asuryani to join you and temporarily boost your growth rate.
Transcendent Bliss: Focus the Aeldari’s spiritual consciousness to experience a period of increased loyalty towards your cause.
Spirit Preservation: Gain energy for every fallen Aeldari unit.
Battle Focus: Many Craftworld Aeldari units can move after using their actions.
Ancient Doom: The Aeldari loathe and fear She Who Thirsts above all else, increasing their accuracy, but also the damage taken when fighting the forces of Chaos.

* Added a new neutral unit: Umbra (terrifying flying monstrous creature that is vulnerable to light).
* Added 3 new items: Entropic Locum [Common] (increases the armour penetration), Laurels of Command [Uncommon] (restores the morale of adjacent allied units), Faolchu’s Wing [Artefact] (consumes action to increase movement).
* Added a new Ork research: Kraklin Gubbinz [Tier 8] (Increases the energy output of Ork cities).
* Added 32 new Steam achievements.
* Transports can now carry allied units.
* Units in transports can now be selected to inspect their status such as ability cooldowns. Disembarking is done by right-clicking on the destination tile.
* Added details tab to the stats panel, listing the resources accumulated, units created, units lost, units killed, damage dealt, damage taken and buildings constructed for each player.
* Improved stats economy graph to more accurately reflect total resource income.
* Added mark tile button to the world hud.
* Added stats button to the world hud on game over and for spectators.
* The selected unit’s armour, hitpoints and morale hints now show additional details: the unit’s damage reductions, exact hitpoints and morale decimal values, total group size, and healing and morale regeneration rates.
* A building’s production hint now says how much production has been accumulated.
* Added 7 new colors.
* Added the ability to connect an Epic Games Account with Gladius to invite Epic Games friends to multiplayer games. Cross-play and cross-invite support with Steam and standalone versions is fully supported.

* Victorious players now get the map revealed.
* Once all non-AI players have been defeated, only the host has to end the turn.
* Improved building hints to say “total” and “limit” instead of “per turn” for loyalty and population limit.
* Improved performance.
* Improved Dakkagun, Reaper Autocannon and Vespid Stingwings jump pack sounds.
* Lowered the volume of some excessively loud sound effects.
* Malanthropes can now consume tiles that have an Artefact.
* Changing the overall difficulty setting now changes non-AI player difficulties to medium to reduce the confusion about achievements that are tied to difficulties.
* Updated some icons to be more distinguishable.
* Updated localizations.

* Moved Apothecaries research from tier 6 to 5.
* Moved Thunderfire Cannon research from tier 5 to 6.
* Moved Bolster Defences research from tier 6 to 8.
* Moved Space Marines Multi-Melta weapon research from tier 8 to 7.
* Moved Space Marines Dozer Blade research from tier 7 to 6.
* Added Assault Vehicle trait to Battlewagon and Tidewall Gunrig (all open-topped transports are assault vehicles).
* Increased Tidewall Gunrig cost by 33%.
* Moved Tidewall Gunrig research from tier 4 to 5.
* Icon of Despair now works against units with And They Shall Know No Fear.
* Increased Tomb Blades cost by 33%.
* Increased morale regeneration rate from 10% to 20%.
* It is no longer possible to use Stomp on fortifications.
* Changed Rapid Fire from adding +1 attacks to doubling the attacks. This primarily fixes Chimera’s Lasgun Arrays, but also affects attack buffs on Rapid Fire weapons, such as Skull Altar’s Blood Blessing.
* The first use of Deploy Fortress of Redemption is now free.
* Markerlight now requires line of sight.
* Jink is no longer usable if the unit has attacked this turn, even if it attacked with free action weapons.
* Skyfire no longer has reduced accuracy against jetbike and jet pack units.
* Moved Sky Ray Gunship research from tier 5 to 6.
* Moved Hammerhead Gunship research from tier 6 to 5.
* Master of Possession can no longer heal himself.
* Builder Drones can now heal themselves.
* Painboy can now use his abilities on himself.
* Reduced Tervigon’s Catalyst range from 2 to 1.
* Tervigon’s Catalyst now only works on Tyranids units.
* Space Marines Orbital Deployment can now only be done from Space Marines cities.
* Tyranids outposts now grant Instinctive Behaviour Override.
* Reduced Birthing Canals influence upkeep reduction from -50% to -25%.
* Reduced Spore Mines group size from 6 to 5.
* Increased Spore Mines cooldown from 3 to 5.
* Reclaim Unit’s production returned now increases by 2.5% with each unit level.
* Deffkoptas now have ore upkeep.
* Land Speeders now have requisitions upkeep.
* Mek Gunz no longer cost energy and now have ore upkeep.
* Apothecaries now have requisitions upkeep.
* Thunderfire Cannon now has requisitions upkeep.
* Venomcrawler now has ore upkeep.
* Warpsmith now has ore upkeep.
* Chaos Spawns now have food upkeep.
* Techpriest Enginseers how have ore upkeep.
* Meks now cost food and ore and have ore upkeep.
* Builder Drones now have ore upkeep.
* Increased Daemon Prince hitpoints from 16 to 20.
* Reduced Grey Matter Dispersion from +2 to +1 loyalty from amount of cities.
* Possession now has a cooldown of 3, Chaos Spawn level scales from level 1 to 7.
* Proselytise cost now scales with game pace.
* Increased Adaptive Biology feel no pain damage reduction from +20%…+60% to +25%…+75%.
* Chaos Space Marines heroes can no longer transform.
* Reduced Daemon Prince influence cost and upkeep by 25%.
* Increased Chaos Rising city found cost reduction from -33% to -50%.
* Changed Stabilising Anchors to work if the unit has not moved instead of having movement remaining. Using melee weapons such as Stomp counts as having moved.
* Increased Destroyer Lord Jet Charge invulnerable damage reduction from +10%…+30% to +15%…+45%.
* Changed Heavy, Salvo and High Power weapons to reduce accuracy if the unit has actually moved this turn rather than having 0 movement.
* Increased all Chaos Rite bonuses from +25% to +33%.
* Increased all Ork and Necron economic upgrade bonuses from +10% to +17%.
* Reduced Necron population limit upgrade from +2 to +1 per housing building.
* Changed Objuration Mechanicum damage from 8…16 to 6…18.
* Changed Veterans of the Long War from +2 morale to -33% morale loss.
* Mark, Icon and Install Support System influence cost now scales with unit strength (death experience value * 3).
* Changed Targeting Relay to cause a debuff on attack that increases the ranged accuracy of Necron units against the target unit by 2 for 1 turn.
* Markerlight Target Acquired now increase the accuracy against the unit marked by 1 instead of increasing damage taken by 10%.
* Markerlight Target Acquired now only works for Tau.
* Networked Markerlight now increases the accuracy against the target unit by 1 instead of increasing damage taken by 10%.
* Increased Vaul Sentry movement from 1 to 2.
* Reduced Stomp damage by 3.

Bug Fixes
* Fixed a pathing issue for units not moving around artefacts in explored but unsighted tiles.
* Fixed a crash that could occur after playing with a mod that increases the amount of difficulty options.
* Fixed a crash that could occur while dragging a unit in cargo.
* Fixed spectators having to end the first turn.
* Fixed resource hints having a blank line for total if the total is 0.
* Fixed an issue that could cause the camera to permanently continue to scroll in a direction if the camera was being scrolled with the keyboard when mouse scrolling began.
* Fixed an issue that could cause the camera to permanently continue to scroll in a direction if the display mode was changed while scrolling.
* Fixed Lord Commissar’s Summary Execution affecting enemy units.
* Fixed an issue with units being incorrectly positioned when coming out of transports.
* Fixed The Sound of Unsilence achievement not working correctly.
* Fixed Cluster Mines not preventing movement on outposts.
* Fixed a threading crash that could in a variety of circumstances.
* Fixed item hints not showing the effects of the unit’s modifiers.
* Fixed Super-Brolly 2000 getting unlocked when other players use the Big Mek’s shield.
* Fixed city trait description saying movement cost is reduced only for allied units instead of all units.
* Fixed rapid rise cost scaling twice with game pace.
* Fixed actions that require line of sight not working correctly.
* Fixed unit hitpoints being clamped too soon, resulting in very rare order-dependence when an individual action had multiple effects or weapons that both increased hitpoints past max hitpoints and also decreased hitpoints at the same time.
* Fixed explosion sound not playing when Kastelan Robot dies.
* Fixed items hints not showing “On cooldown.”.
* Fixed Override Instinctive Behaviour cost scaling with unit level.
* Fixed some font glyphs rendering as boxes.
* Fixed an battle estimate error that could occur for weapon actions after the unit has moved.
* Fixed Pulse Driver Cannon and Twin-Linked Pulse Carbine using Brachyuran Assemblies instead of Mor’tonium Accelerators.
* Fixed language mods having to include English language files.
* Fixed faction DLC units not spawning as neutrals when specified in Wildlife.xml.
* Fixed units losing movement in special circumstances when a new turn starts, e.g. Pinned + ‘Ere We Go.
* Fixed tile hint with Orkoid Fungus showing incorrect food % when Mushling Bloom has not been researched.
* Fixed being able to have units selected that are on unsighted tiles.
* Fixed if you click found city and click a valid unexplored tile, the settler will settle right where he is currently at immediately.
* Fixed being able to use found city to check where units are under the fog of war.
* Fixed chat button in the lobby sometimes being incorrectly laid out.
* Fixed debug panel position when visibility is toggled.
* Fixed VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST due to erroneous TwitchNativeOverlay64.dll by force-disabling Twitch Studio’s Vulkan layer (DISABLE_TWITCH_VULKAN_OVERLAY=1).

* Added `` unit effect to change current group member count.
* `` action is no longer hardcoded and as such no longer supports moraleMin and moraleMax attributes. It’s now implemented with generic conditions and effects.
* `` action now supports `unit` attribute.
* Added `` and `` player conditions.
* Costs and upkeeps can now be modified by traits and upgrade.
* Fixed opponent attacking condition not working.

